Qaڵbi zirەک bەkarbhێnە and sivvi bۆ karە khەunەkant dost bekە! اەپی پەپەرَبەپەمن پەکارپهێنە bۆ پۆ پۆ...
Qaڵbi zirەک bەkarbhێnە and sivvi bۆ karە khەunەkant dost bekە! اەپی پەپەرَبەپەمن پەکارپهێنە bۆ پۆ پۆپی پیشەیی پۆ karە khەunەkanant There is nothing wrong with your CV. Pashan dەtwanit bە shouەی PDF پیڕپەزێنیت and ڕASTەkhۆ lە ەپەکەMANەوە bە پۆ ایمەیڵ یان کۆپییەک bۆ اەەکەت پەزێنیت 20 visitors Qazanbi Sivvi bە Tāwawi Dەstkarikraw and Khۆkaranaە Asanە bۆ bەkarhṭnani sivvi dorostkar and design Dەtwanit ە mawەی کەمیر for 5 khulەkada bە bەkarhێnani qaڵby پیشەیی پە پە پە اەرەپی و اینگلیسی پایکیت! Taiptmandikan: * پژardەی asan bۆ dەstkarikrdani sevi and amrazەkani noosini sevi * اۆژگای هەنگا ە هەنگو پۆ چۆنیەتی Noosiny Hەr پەشێک ە پە کەکەت *Nmmounە پەشەکانی سیگی bۆ ِەوەی پۆکەت پێدَات ەەر چۆنیەتی نوسينی سگیەکەت * Nmmounەی bەşەکانی کە لە پەنەرەکanda hatooە! هەڵبژardەکانی پۆرَمْتکدردین پەستپێکدرینەەوە - Qەbarەی پۆنگ, پەرێز PDF *and you are too much with a sword * Sayyid Khat Bە Zamanێki Tr BanawusەUse professional templates and create a resume for your dream job!Use our free resume maker app to create a professional resume for your dream jobSmart resume designerWelcome to Resume Maker - Resume Builder app, which will help you to create a professional resume for a job in a matter of minutes. You can then download them as PDF and send them directly from our app to email or download a copy to your device.Over 20 free resume templatesFully editable and customizable resume templatesEasy to use resume maker and designer to get the jobYou can write a resume in Kurdish, Arabic and English using professional templates in less than 5 minutes!Features:* Easy resume editing options and resume writing tools*Step-by-step advice on how to write each section of your resume*Example sections of a resume to give you ideas on how to write your resume* Examples of resume sections included in Sponsorships!Resume formatting options - font size, margins*Download and share your new CV in PDF format*Add your photo to your resume* Write your CV in another languageUse professional templates and create a resume for your dream job! Use our free resume maker app to create a professional resume for your dream job Smart resume designer Welcome to Resume Maker - Resume Builder app, which will help you to create a professional resume for a job in a matter of minutes. You can then download them as PDF and send them directly from our app to email or download a copy to your device. Over 20 free resume templates Fully editable and customizable resume templates Easy to use resume maker and designer to get the job You can write a resume in Kurdish, Arabic and English using professional templates in less than 5 minutes! Features: * Easy resume editing options and resume writing tools * Step-by-step advice on how to write each section of your resume *Example sections of a resume to give you ideas on how to write your resume * Examples of resume sections included in Sponsorships! Resume formatting options - font size, margins *Download and share your new CV in PDF format *Add your photo to your resume * Write your CV in another language